Conventional Oil & Gas

Invitation for Feedback on Revisions to Directive 067

Directive 067: Eligibility Requirements for Acquiring and Holding Energy Licences and Approvals
14 Feb 2021

From AER Bulletin 2021-01:

We are seeking feedback on a new edition of Directive 067: Eligibility Requirements for Acquiring and Holding Energy Licences and Approvals. The proposed changes include requiring additional information, particularly financial information, at the time of application and throughout the life cycle to enable us to  Read More

Alberta can only become preferred energy source with commitment to net-zero emissions

Pembina Institute reacts to Government of Alberta’s new natural gas vision and strategy

CALGARY — Chris Severson-Baker, Alberta regional director at the Pembina Institute, made the following statement in response to the Government of Alberta’s release of its Natural Gas Vision and Strategy on Tuesday: Read More

Without federal action, Canada will miss easiest, cheapest opportunity to reduce climate emissions

New analysis shows oil and gas methane regulations will create a gap of up to seven million tonnes

(OTTAWA) Unless the federal government revises its methane regulations to take into account new analysis, Canada will miss by a wide mark an international commitment made by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to reduce oil and gas methane emissions by 40 to 45 per cent below 2012 levels by 2025. Read More

The polluter pays principle in Alberta: Where to from here?

Jun 24 2020 - 12:00pm

You can’t get blood from a stone, or so the saying goes. So where goes the polluter pays principle in Alberta, both today and into the future?

The polluter pays principle can be implemented through a host of regulatory mechanisms with varying efficiency and effect. Join the ELC’s Jason Unger for a lunch time webinar that will provide a review of Alberta’s approach to the polluter pays principle and how it is applied. This webinar will provide a review and highlight two recent ELC reports: Read More

New report on the intersection of the Polluter Pays Principle and insolvency laws

At the Environmental Law Centre blog, Jason Unger writes about the "polluter pays principle" and its intersection with the economic challenges Alberta faces resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and low energy prices.

…it remains unclear how our society will uphold and promote the polluter pays principle, not only today and tomorrow but well into the future.

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Defending nature: Standing up for wildlife and natural spaces from coast to coast to coast

May 28 2020 - 2:00pm

This webinar is part of Ecojustice’s #BetterThanNormal conversation series

Join Margot Venton to get the scoop on how, even though there’s a pandemic going on, Ecojustice’s nature team is busier than ever with efforts to challenge risky oil and gas exploration that puts the environment at risk, urging government to give critically-endangered Southern Resident killer whales a fighting chance at survival, and pushing for strong laws that defend nature and biodiversity. Read More

Environmental monitoring suspended for all oil and gas projects in Alberta

Alberta Energy Regulator suspends requirements for environmental monitoring for all energy projects, citing COVID-19 concerns, despite the Government of Alberta rolling out its plans to reopen the rest of the province

Edmonton – Alberta’s Energy Regulator released two unilateral decisions on May 20, 2020, to suspend a series of environmental monitoring activities for all oil & gas operators and in situ operators. These suspensions include monitoring tailings for migratory bird landings, programs to detect and repair methane leaks, testing of surface waters and groundwater, soil monitoring, reclamation monitoring programs, wetland monitoring, and the requirement for lab testing of waters released to the environment. Read More

Pembina Institute to assess updated methane regulations as Alberta seeks equivalency

Pembina Institute reiterates timeline and process on path to federal equivalency

CALGARY — The Government of Alberta has released updated methane regulations as it seeks to achieve federal equivalency. Jan Gorski, senior analyst at the Pembina Institute, made the following comment: Read More


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