Coal Mining in Alberta's Eastern Slopes and Beyond
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Updated March 15, 2022
Latest Update: Government announces expanded coal restrictions, releases Coal Policy Committee reports
On March 4, 2022, the Government of Alberta announced restrictions on coal development in the Eastern Slopes of the Rockies. The restrictions on new development will be in place until directions on coal activities are incorporated into updated regional land-use plans.
The Goverment also released the final reports of the Coal Policy Committee. Concerns with the environmental impacts of coal mining ranked among the most important issues to Albertans.
- News Release Getting it right on coal in Alberta (Government of Alberta)
- Reports Final report : recommendations for the management of coal resources in Alberta (Coal Policy Committee)
- Reports Engaging Albertans about coal (Coal Policy Committee)
Environmental groups welcomed the restrictions on new development, but concerns remained over the impacts of existing coal mining activities and the 4 advanced projects that were allowed to continue the regulatory process.
- Coal Exploration and Mining on the Eastern Slopes – Is there an end in sight? (Alberta Wilderness Association)
- Government of Alberta’s new plan provides temporary relief from the risk of coal (CPAWS Northern & Southern Alberta)
- What has (and hasn’t) changed for coal mining in Alberta (The Narwhal)
- Alberta keeps decades-old coal policy in place, 4 advanced projects to continue regulatory process (CBC News)
- Alberta to extend pause on Rocky Mountain coal mines (Global News/The Canadian Press)