
Attached Sunspaces Information Session

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textfield-2"><div class="form-item"> <label>Location: </label> Calgary </div> </div><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p>Vista Room, Varsity Community Centre, 4303 Varsity Drive NW, Calgary, AB</p><p>Professor Tang G. Lee of the Faculty of Environmental Design at the University of Calgary will explain how an attached sunspace can function as a solar collector, reduce heat loss, and increase the livable space of a home. Come and learn more about the heat savings, potential solar gain, and other advantages of attached sunspaces.</p> </div> </div></div>

APEGGA Annual Conference - Alternative Energy Sources Seminar

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textfield-2"><div class="form-item"> <label>Location: </label> Calgary </div> </div><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p>The <a href="">Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists, and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA)</a> has included a one-day seminar on alternative energy sources in the professional development program of its upcoming 2007 conference. Non-members of APEGGA are welcome to register for the conference.</p><p>The alternative energy sources seminar is facilitated by Marlo Raynolds, Executive Director <br />of the Pembina Institute, and includes the following topics:</p> </div> </div></div>
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Whose Boom? Wealth, Health and Inequality

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textfield-2"><div class="form-item"> <label>Location: </label> Edmonton </div> </div><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p><strong>Whose Boom? Wealth, Health and Inequality</strong><br /><em>Featuring: Diana Gibson and Armine Yalnizyan</em></p><p>Wednesday, February 7, 7:30 pm<br />Lister Conference Centre, 87 Avenue and 116 Street<br />University of Alberta<br /></p> </div> </div></div>
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Call for Delegates: Annual AEN-EUB Meeting

The 2007 AEN-EUB Meeting has been set for April 20th, 2007 in Calgary.

This is the preliminary list of meeting issues and speakers who raised them. If anyone who has confirmed for the meeting notices any omissions or
inaccuracies, please let me know.

There are still 4 seats available for this meeting. Interested AEN members should email [email protected] if you wish to participate.


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Call for Delegates: Annual Meeting with Alberta Energy and Utilities Board

This is a notice for the annual meeting of the board members and staff of the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB) with members of the Alberta Environmental Network (AEN).

The annual AEN-EUB meeting is an opportunity to raise and track issues with one of the key regulatory decision makers on energy development in Alberta. The minutes of the April 12, 2006 meeting are available upon request from [email protected].

The 2007 AEN-EUB meeting is proposed for one of the following dates: Read More

Edwin Black: How we got Addicted to Oil and how we can Break the Addiction Right Now

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textfield-2"><div class="form-item"> <label>Location: </label> Edmonton </div> </div><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p>The <a href="">University of Alberta</a> is privileged to host the visit of <a href="">Edwin Black</a>.</p> </div> </div></div>
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Citizens and Conservationists target US Oil Giant ConocoPhillips

For destruction of Caribou Habitat and Alberta by Industrial Development and Global Warming

A rally will take place at the corporate offices of US oil giant ConocoPhillips in Calgary, Alberta on December 1st @11am to highlight the desperate situation of the Little Smoky Caribou, the demise of Alberta’s caribou habitat from industrial development, and from global warming’s devastating impacts on the boreal forest.

The Little Smoky caribou herd is considered at immediate risk of extinction with less than 100 individuals left thanks to the activities of corporations like ConocoPhillips in caribou habitat. While the Alberta Caribou Committee stalls, petroleum companies such as ConocoPhillips are racing ahead and further degrading their habitat with industrial development. A petition submitted almost a year ago to the Federal government asking for the implementation of the emergency provision of the Species at Risk Act has received no response to date. While the caribou committees are trying to plan for caribou recovery the petroleum industry is forging ahead with development in critical threatened caribou habitat. Read More

Call for Delegates: Stakeholder Workshop - Water Allocation Approvals for CBM Wells in Alberta

Stakeholder Workshop: Addressing Alberta Environment Proposals for Water Allocation Approvals for Coalbed Methane (CBM) Wells in Alberta

Alberta Environment has contacted the AEN to select 2 environmental representatives to attend a one-day stakeholder workshop to provide input to Alberta Environment's proposals for water allocation approvals for CBM wells in Alberta.

Purpose of the Workshop

Following the recommendations of MAC (Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee), Alberta Environment is now implementing a "decision tree" approach to approvals and monitoring of water production at CBM wells. This meeting will provide an opportunity for a range of stakeholders to review the proposed approach and provide comments and suggestions. Read More

Film Screening & Panel Discussion - Americas in Transition/The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textfield-2"><div class="form-item"> <label>Location: </label> Edmonton </div> </div><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p><a href="">Change for Children</a>, <a href="">Canada World Youth</a> &amp; <a href="">APIRG</a> present: </p><h3>GVFF 2006 Screening/Panel Discussion </h3><p><em>with Ron Berezan-Urban Farmer; Marc Colbourne-Alberta Council for Global Cooperation; Phil Goebel- Hands Off Venezuela</em></p><p>Saturday, November 4, 2006 / 3:00 p.m.<br />Empire Theatres City Centre / 3rd Flr. 10200 - 102 Ave.<br />INFO: Zane 432-1877 ext. 310 / E: <span class="spamspan"><span class="u">zhamm</span> [at] <span class="d">cwy-jcm [dot] org</span></span><br /><br /><a href="">Americas in Transition</a> USA, 1981, 29 min.</p> </div> </div></div>
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Power for the People: Determining Our Energy Future, Early-bird Registration Deadline

<div class="flexinode-body flexinode-1"><div class="flexinode-textfield-2"><div class="form-item"> <label>Location: </label> Edmonton </div> </div><div class="flexinode-textarea-1"><div class="form-item"> <label>Description: </label> <p>Parkland Institute&#39;s Tenth Annual Conference:</p><h3>Power for the People: Determining Our Energy Future</h3><p><em>Featuring John Ralston Saul on Democracy, Sovereignty and Energy</em></p><p>University of Alberta Campus<br />November 17-19, 2006</p><p><strong>Save Money! Deadline for early-bird registration is November 3.</strong></p><p>A conference about:</p><ul><li>Alberta’s Role in Fuelling Global Demand</li><li>An Alternative Perspective: The Norwegian Example</li><li>Energy Regulation and Public Participation: Disappointments in Democracy</li><li>The Political Power of the Energy Sector in Alberta</li><li>Life on the Tar Sands: The Real Cost</li><li>Don&#39;t &quot;Let the Eastern Bastards Freeze in the Dark&quot;</li><li>Getting Our Fair Share</li><li>Opportunities Lost? Maximizing Our Resource Heritage</li><li>Trading Away Our Energy Future?</li><li>A Good Life for All</li><li>Transitioning to a Post Carbon Economy</li><li>Investing in Our Future </li></ul><p>Can&#39;t come to the whole conference come to part of it! Tickets are available for every time block of the conference.</p> </div> </div></div>


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