Make Your Concerns Known at Foothills Oil and Gas Open House

Alberta Wilderness Association

Friday June 10, 2005

Open House On Oil And Gas Development In Livingstone-Porcupine

Compton Petroleum is looking to develop its natural gas fields in the Livingstone - Porcupine area, southwest of High River, Alberta. As the initial part of its development, up to 26 exploratory gas wells are planned in the area.

AWA has a long-standing interest in the spectacular foothills of the Livingstone-Porcupine area and local residents and ranchers have expressed serious concerns with these developments. It is also an important recreation area for people from Calgary and southwestern Alberta.

Compton Petroleum is holding an Open House on Friday June 10 to discuss their plans, and this will be an excellent opportunity to find out more and share your concerns.

WHAT? Compton Petroleum Open House
WHEN? Friday June 10, 4:00 - 7:00 pm
WHERE? MD of Ranchland Municipal Office, Chain Lakes Provincial Park (west of Hwy 22, 39 km south of Longview)