The Objects of the society are
to encourage and support networking, communication, and resource-sharing amongst non-governmental environmental organizations, including those concerned with:
the preservation of wilderness,
the maintenance of environmental quality and prevention of pollution,
the development of environmentally appropriate technologies or practices, or
the formal and informal education of Albertans on these matters;
to facilitate common action and/or joint initiatives by some or all of its member groups;
to facilitate communication and interaction with government and industry regarding environmental matters at all levels;
to help co-ordinate communication and involvement with the Canadian Environmental Network and/or other national-level environmental alliances;
to acquire, manage and sell resources, equipment and other property necessary for carrying on its objects;
to contract with and/or employ persons or organizations or corporations for the provision of such services and duties as are necessary for carrying on its objects; and
to raise funds, and disperse funds necessary for carrying on its objects.