About the AEN
The Alberta Environmental Network (AEN) is an incorporated non-profit, non-partisan umbrella organization dedicated to helping preserve and protect Alberta’s environment. Since 1980, the AEN has advocated for, and supported the participation of environmental non-profit organizations (ENGOs) and passionate individuals in constructive and collaborative processes on environmental public policy issues.
The AEN’s vision is to help create a healthy, sustainable Alberta with an influential environmental community and environmentally mobilized Albertans. To help make that vision a reality, the AEN’s mission is to bring together and strengthen Alberta’s environmental community to strategically and proactively address environmental issues in Alberta; and to generate awareness and motivate action on environmental issues among Albertans and at all levels of government.
Incoming AEN directors will have the opportunity to forge a new direction for AEN in which we plan to “set our own agenda”, organize for the long game and focus our resources on high-potential areas. AEN communications will shift to increase public outreach while we will continue to advance collaboration and information sharing among our membership.
Board Member Commitment
In order to support and further the work of Alberta’s ENGO’s, we are actively recruiting Directors to expand the network’s capacity and to fulfill the AEN’s vision and mission.
We are seeking nominations for Board Members for a two-year term who can contribute their passion for enabling Alberta’s environmental community. We are actively seeking differing skill sets and backgrounds to complement our current Board members and enhance the diversity of Board membership:
- Individuals with financial backgrounds;
- Individuals with fund development experience;
- Individuals who work in broader social sectors;
- Representatives from youth-based organizations;
- Academics.
Nominations for the role of Director can be made by existing AEN members; or individual applications can be submitted with one or more letters of support from existing AEN members or member groups.
All Directors must be members of the AEN, either as a representative of a member organization or as an individual member. Individuals who are not currently members of the AEN are encouraged to submit their application for Director if interested in this role, but the nominee would be expected to pursue AEN membership before they can assume a Director position on the Board.
The anticipated commitment for an AEN Board Director is:
- Attendance at bi-monthly to quarterly board meetings or conference calls, on average 2-3 hours in length;
- Participation on, at a minimum, one Board committee;
- Participation on one or more AEN caucuses or working groups is encouraged. This commitment can also be filled by other delegates from the member organization, when appropriate.
All applications for Director will be reviewed by the AEN nomination committee and then recommended for nomination at the Annual General Meeting. Nominees will have the opportunity to make a short presentation to AEN members prior to the election at the Annual General Meeting.
Board Application Form
Please submit your application through this Google Form by June 24, 2024. If you have difficulty accessing the form, please contact Russ at [email protected].