RePower Alberta Launches Across the Province

Building the Green Economy

Sierra Club Prairie and Greenpeace Canada have launched the Province-wide green tour, ‘RePower Alberta: Building the Green Economy’, and will see leaders in various sectors of the green jobs economy talking about the growing economic and community benefits of moving to a green economy and how to start laying the stepping stones in getting there.

The tour already has confirmed dates in Peace River, Manning, Fort Saskatchewan, Edmonton, Slave Lake and Red Deer with additional tour dates being planned throughout the summer.

RePower Alberta is calling on the Alberta Government to implement a Green Energy Strategy. After decades of riding the roller-coaster of the fossil fuel sectors’ boom and bust cycles, the time has come for Alberta to forge a new energy path. Renewable energy resources and green just solutions are ready and waiting to meet our increasing energy demands.

Diversifying our energy economy will provide tens of thousands of new clean and green jobs for Albertans, and has the opportunity to create just solutions to our province’s contribution to the climate crisis. The government of Alberta, however, continues to drag its heels on introducing real policies, strategies or legislation that would set Alberta on a proactive course of strengthening the province’s position with one of the fastest growing sectors in the world.

Alberta is the only province in Canada without a Green Energy Strategy, and the only province that doesn’t offer subsidies to wind power. Meanwhile, subsidies to fossil fuels continue. The Alberta government has recently allocated $2 Billion for Carbon Capture and Storage research towards the coal and tar sands industries. Instead of servicing archaic and polluting resources, that money could be going towards building the sustainable and green renewable energy industry.

Alberta has incredible potential for investing in an abundance of renewable resources. We also have the potential for community owned and profitable renewable energy initiatives. Renewable energy inherently promotes a decentralized system of power: the power of energy and the power of the people. There are many opportunities for a more justly distributed green energy economy. Of all of Denmark’s renewable electricity generation, 80% is community owned. And as Denmark’s economy progress has grown, their energy consumption has not.

Building the Green Energy Economy - We know that Albertans agree! In 2009, an Ipsos Reid poll showed that 78% of Albertans prefer that the Alberta Government provide subsidies for Renewable Energy over the Oil and Gas Sector. Alberta can continue building a strong economy while maintaining a healthy environment for all of us to live in. Alberta can and must shift towards a just, clean energy economy that creates good green jobs for all and secures our future. We call upon Albertans everywhere to raise their voices and demand that the power be put back into our hands!

Check out and please help us spread the word!

May 17th and 18th, RePower Alberta Comes to Peace River and Manning

Peace River, May 17th, 7:30pm
Catholic Conference Centre, 10307 99th Street

Manning, May 18th, 7:30pm
Legion Hall

Speakers Include:

  • Tim Weis, M.Sc., P.Eng. — Director of Renewable Energy and Efficiency at the Pembina Institute
  • Denis Sauvageau, Peace River Environmental Society
  • Sheryle Carlson, Associate Director, Sierra Club of Canada Prairie Chapter

May 20th, RePower Alberta Comes to Fort Saskatchewan

Fort Saskatchewan Library, 10011 102 St

Speakers Include:

  • Randall Benson, Journeyman electrician, and founder Off The Grid – Renewable Energy Power Systems
  • Brandy Burdeniuk, EcoAmmo is a graduate of the Industrial Design program at the University of Alberta and a LEED® Accredited professional.
  • Sheryle Carlson, Associate Director, Sierra Club of Canada Prairie Chapter
  • Mike Hudema, Greenpeace Climate and Energy Campaigner

Facebook Link

May 29th, Heartland Reality Tour 2010

On behalf of Citizens for Responsible Development - a group of concerned farmers and residents in the Fort Saskatchewan area - we would like to invite you, or a representative from your group, to accompany other Edmonton area community leaders on a special 1 day tour of the Industrial Heartland on Saturday, May 29th. Please RSVP today by sending an email to [email protected].
Meet at the Sierra Club: 10008 82nd Ave, Edmonton

May 26th, RePower Alberta Public Launch in Edmonton

7:00 pm, ELTC 1-003, University of Alberta, Edmonton    Link to Map...

Speakers Include:

  • Tim Weis, M.Sc., P.Eng. — Director of Renewable Energy and Efficiency at the Pembina Institute
  • Allan Kettles, B.Ed., CRSP, CHSC, President/CEO/Owner Benign Energy Canada Inc. on Wind and challenges/potential in Alberta
  • David Thompson, author of the report Green Jobs: It's Time to Build Alberta's Future, and independent environmental policy consultant
  • Sheryle Carlson, Associate Director, Sierra Club of Canada Prairie Chapter
  • Mike Hudema, Greenpeace Climate and Energy Campaigner

Facebook Link

If you're interested in having RePower Alberta visit your community, please contact Sheryle Carlson [email protected], or Mike Hudema at [email protected]

The RePower Alberta campaign is working hard to:

  1. See the Province of Alberta pass a Green Energy Strategy;
  2. Ensure the Green Energy Strategy is achieved using truly green energy, through investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy;
  3. Work with communities throughout the province to implement green energy solutions and green jobs.

RePower Alberta is a growing network of concerned groups, communities and individuals committed to building our green energy future for Alberta.

Sierra Club Prairie & Greenpeace Canada present RePower Alberta: Building the Green Economy, urging the AB gov implement a Green Energy Strategy.

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