Energy Transition

Reconciliation through renewable energy? A survey of Indigenous communities, involvement, and peoples in Canada ()

This study explores whether and to what extent community energy—defined by deep engagement in process, as well as local and collective benefits—relates to elements of participation associated with reconciliation, both conceptually and empirically. Read More

Roadmap to a Canadian Just Transition Act: A path to a clean and inclusive economy (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)

The Roadmap to a Canadian Just Transition Act is a report that takes the federal government’s commitment as its starting point and further explores the potential for a Just Transition Act to achieve a managed transition to a lower-carbon economy that minimizes the potential harms and maximizes the potential benefits for workers and their communities. Read More

Assessing Political Pathways for Energy Transition (Future Energy Systems)

Assessing Political Pathways for Energy Transition seeks to identify how best to navigate democratic constraints on policy-making by developing an integrated assessment of how public and elite opinion shape policy decisions on energy innovation. This enables the generation of data-driven insights into the political risks associated with various energy transition paths and could help policy makers identify possible policy win-sets for other scholars engaged in CFREF projects. Read More

Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals. Read More

Sharing Stories About a Just Transition (Indigenous Climate Action)

Sharing Stories About a Just Transition is a keynote presentation sharing stories and strategies related to a “just transition”, which is defined as responding to the need to move away from reliance on diesel and extraction, and instead pave the way to renewable energies that integrate with cultural and traditional values. Read More

Feminist Approaches to Climate Justice (Oxfam Canada)

Feminist Approaches to Climate Justice is a toolkit for building inclusive climate advocacy. This guide is designed to help climate activists, environmental not-for-profits and other civil society organizations in Canada adopt an intersectional, feminist approach to climate justice. It provides an overview of why hearing and responding to the diverse experiences of women and girls is essential to climate justice, and provides tools to support the intersectional analysis of policies and initiatives so as advance climate justice for all. Read More


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