Eco monitoring plan a non-plan says Sierra Club Canada

The 'environmental monitoring' plan for the Tar Sands announced today by the federal government is actually a non-plan says Sierra Club Canada. Delay, delay, delay would be a more apt assessment of the federal government’s announcement.

Monitoring is fine but the real question is limiting pollution and addressing climate change. Sierra Club Canada has no confidence the federal and Alberta governments will actually do that. There is a long history of allowing the oil companies to do what they want.

"We want a real plan that limits pollution and addresses climate change," said Sierra Club Canada's Executive Director John Bennett. "Unfortunately, this plan is about public relations."

Sierra Club Canada doesn't have confidence the government is interested in regulating the oil industry. It's clear from the recent energy ministers’ in Kananaskis - sponsored by the major Tar Sands players - that government is too close to big oil.

"The federal government clearly isn't interested protecting the environment in Alberta, or seriously addressing climate change. Their primary concern is protecting profits of big oil and stemming bad PR," said Mr. Bennett. "This is a communications exercise plan and simple - and not a very good one."

A former anchorman, federal environment minister Peter Kent should know a story is more than the headline.


John Bennett, Executive Director
Sierra Club Canada
(613) 291-6888
[email protected]