RCEN E-Bulletin — 7 January 2009

Canadian Environmental Network

Network News — January 7th, 2009

Objectives for 2009

Last December, staff from the National Office devoted a full day to calling RCEN members. Our goal was to thank you for your continued involvement with the Network and to wish you Happy Holidays. If you missed our call, please contact us should you have any questions.

The New Year is promising to be a busy one for the RCEN. Here are just a few of our objectives for 2009:

  • With the Provincial/Territorial Affiliate Networks, we hope to strengthen our relationship with members through a series of outreach activities and other initiatives.
  • In collaboration with the Alberta Environmental Network, we plan to organize a first-rate Annual General Assembly in Edmonton, this next June 12-14.
  • The Board of Directors will continue its work on a new Strategic Plan to steer the organization for the next 5 years.

This year, whether you choose to join a national caucus, attend the AGA or share information through the e-Bulletin, we hope that you will take advantage of the opportunities provided by your RCEN membership.

This Week's Headlines





Note: the deadline for submissions to the next E-Bulletin is Monday, at 11am (ET). Please send 100 words or less (in English and French) to [email protected].


Our mailing address is:

Canadian Environmental Network
300-945 Wellington St. W.
Ottawa, Ontario K1Y 2X5

Our telephone: 613-728-9810